The U.S. Chamber has released its eighth annual International IP Index as intellectual property takes center stage in major trade talks.

The 2020 U.S. Chamber International IP Index creates a template for economies that aspire to become 21st century, knowledge-based economies through more effective IP protection.
The Index maps the IP ecosystem in 53 global economies, representing over 90% of global GDP and evaluates the IP framework in each economy across 50 unique indicators which industry believes represent economies with the most effective IP systems. The indicators create a snapshot of an economies overall IP ecosystem and span nine categories of protection: patents, copyrights, trademarks, design rights, trade secrets, commercialization of IP assets, enforcement, systemic effciency, and membership and ratification of international treaties.
Key Findings
IP remained at the crux of the China trade dispute. The United States and China signed a Phase One trade agreement on January 15, 2020. The Phase Two agreement is expected to focus on IP reforms and will create an opportunity to continue to improve IP protection globally.
Recent free trade agreements (FTAs) have failed to strengthen global IP standards, and future agreements must do more to raise the bar for IP protection.
Developed and developing economies alike are undermining biopharmaceutical innovation, which reduces access to life-saving medicines and technologies and is the wrong approach to address health care costs.
Several emerging markets made progresstowards implementing a range of pro-IP measures in order to attract investment, though challenges remain.