The best previews and sizzle reels from Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con 2022

I don’t know where you were last week, but I spent the week in San Diego. Why? San Diego Comic-Con, of course.
After three long years of waiting, San Diego Comic-Con finally returned to a “live and in person” format this year (even though everyone (all 150,000+ attendees and exhibitors) was required to wear masks (will we ever be able to go mask free again?).
As you may know or could probably guess, San Diego Comic-Con isn’t all about comic books. I know that “comic” is right there in the convention’s name and the term “Comic-Con” is a shortening of the term “comic book convention” and there have even been lawsuits over the issue of who gets to call themselves a “comic con,” but in recent years San Diego Comic-Con has placed an emphasis on so many things besides comic books that’s it’s virtually impossible to list them all. Instead, I’ll point out just one (OK, maybe two depending on how you count them): movies and television series.

And for many attendees, it is the movies and television series (along with the stars of those films and series) that are the main draw. This is especially true for Hall H, the main hall of the San Diego Convention Center and the place where star-studded panels are most likely to occur. Sizzle reels and trailers are a big bonus to anyone lucky enough to find their way inside Hall H.
Luckily, that isn’t the only way to see them. For all the biggest, check out the Verge article along with the links to the videos on YouTube HERE